welcome to jesus rally

Seeking Jesus for Revival

Upcoming events

Join us as we rally around Jesus in celebratory worship, powerful testimonies, baptisms and prayer for the miraculous!

Share your testimony
Who We Are
Jesus Rally exists to resource a unifying seeking of spiritual awakening and Holy Spirit outpouring
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The heart of our Gatherings

We want everyone and every church to gather with no other agenda but to wholeheartedly seek God and encounter Jesus. No frills, no extras, Just radical worship, real testimonies and authentic prayer.
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HAve A Question?

We have Some Answers

Is Jesus Rally a non-profit?


Who Leads The Jesus Rally?

Jesus Rally is a collaborative initiative hosted by a leadership team from several churches and ministries In Lancaster Pennsylvania. These Include Ephrata Community Church, DOVE USA, Dove International, YWAM Lancaster, Victory Church, and others.

What time does the Jesus Rally event go until?

We aim to have all stage led ministry completed by 9:30pm. Worship, prayer and baptisms may continue through the night If the Lord continues to minister to people. Outdoor events have all amplified sound turned off by 10pm.

Can I lead Worship or speak at your event?

Our teams are already scheduled for 2024.

Can I have a booth or share Info about my ministry at the Jesus Rallies?

We don't allow outside booths or Info to be displayed at the Jesus Rallies. We provide a QR code for Individuals to get connected with partnering churches and ministries.

What Age group Is Jesus Rallies for? Is It family friendly?

These events are for anyone. We have ages 1-80+ that attend. Our largest demographic Is age 12-25. It Is very family friendly. There Is a playground just outside the tent for young kids to play at. We have many elementary age kids who get baptized and join In during worship.

Are there bathrooms?

Port - o - potties available at the venue

Is there food or water available?

Water stations will be available, food trucks will be available In the evenings for purchase.

Who pays for these events?

They are paid for by the leadership team from their own budgets.

How can I donate?

Tax Deductible Giving to “Joel and Amy Bomberger Ministry” https://www.modernday.org/profile/joelbomb our checks made payable to Joel Bomberger with “Jesus Rally” under the memo line. Venmo @Joel-Bomberger / Paypal to joelbomberger@gmail.com

How can I volunteer?

Fill out this volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbEUG3lxQOIpvHJaT3VtDxEMtGEOOZ7QdoEyWBNwN2oZzupw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Where can I share my testimony?

Filling out the form by following this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnFrFDBS-zwum0ndU5wPLvje06On6wmsRaNhzyqtTBOuMIeQ/viewform?edit_requested=true

How can I contact the leadership or provide feedback?

Fill out our contact form and we'll be In touch within a few days.

Reach Out & Connect

Have questions or inquiries? We're here to help! Reach out to us for assistance, inquiries, or partnership opportunities.

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